Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The matter I blogged about on Sunday has yet to be resolved, but my friend Maya Reynolds directed me to a segment on NPR (National Public Radio,) which detailed a happier moment in the struggle for gay rights.

Called "81 Words", the piece on This American Life documents the 1973 move by the APA (American Psychiatric Association) to take homosexuality out of the DSM (Diagnostics and Statistics Manual,) the official tome of the APA. Up until that point homosexuality had been officially classified as a mental disease.

It's fascinating, and you can listen to it here -- the segment is about an hour. We must never forget how far we have left to go, but it's good to remember how far we've come.


Maya Reynolds said...


The thing that struck me about that article was that it happened in 1972, not 1932.

Welcome to the blogging universe.

Anne D said...

I've tagged your for a meme. Check my blog to find out what it's about.

And I agree, we've come so far, but not far enough.

Jeanne Laws said...

Thanks, Maya! You, of course, are my role model. ;-)

I've always found blogging a little bit terrifying, but it gets less daunting with each post.

Jeanne Laws said...

Yikes, Anne! I'm new to blogging, so I'm a meme virgin.

Let me think on this, and I'll post a new entry.